The transfer of power

Srixon ZX MkII Drivers

What if you could design a driver head with ‘two springs’. One that added over 2kph of ball speed (vs the previous generation of hyper-fast faces).

The result of two flex zones snapping back into shape isn’t just faster ball speed. It’s also an increase in the size of the area on the face that gives you maximum speed. 

Technology is delivering more and more advances allowing drivers to increase ball speed still further and make spectacular improvements to consistency.

The ZX7 MkII is for the golfer who has no trouble managing where the face is at impact and with a good swing path.

This driver offers a lot of shot shape workability (especially with the adjustment on offer) but is inclined to deliver a straighter or fade shot shape.

The ZX5 MkII acknowledges that most golfers don’t have total control over face angle at impact and often have an out-to-in swing path.

This driver will work to straighten fades and even create a gentle draw when set up correctly.


The transfer of power at impact, converting your swing speed to more ball speed, takes you further off the tee. Now add a session where we ensure the launch conditions maximise the distance that extra ball speed takes you, and we could be looking at an extra 15, 20, 25 and more metres.



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